Voice Actor • Writer • Artist • Producer


About me

Who is Mona Marshall? I ask myself that, but it is constantly changing, because, like most of us, I am constantly changing. The world has an impact on me, just like I have an impact on it.

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or a one-of-a-kind
wire sculpture!

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Scroll Down Voice Actor • Writer • Artist • Producer I´M MONA MARSHALL MORE ABOUT ME About me Who is Mona Marshall? I ask myself that, but it is constantly changing, because, like most of us, I am constantly changing. The world has an impact on me, just like I have an impact on it.

Everything I am and do is evolving and that requires being present, in the moment. So, as an actor, writer, artist, and member of the human race, my goal is to make the world a little bit better and sometimes that’s just getting out of my own head and smiling at someone.
ENTER MY SHOP Buy a personalized autograph
or a one-of-a-kind wire sculpture!
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production with me?